"Death, birth and rebirth" The life cycle in a moment.

I offer professional services that include:

  • Facilitation of small and large group dialogue on "right relations" from a spiritual perspective
  • Individual and small group Spiritual Direction for self inquiry and social investigation
  • Speaker on topics that include: language and meaning, spiritual teachings and Indigenous perspectives, trauma and healing, spiritual transformation
  • Teacher skills include program & curriculum development, program evaluation and community relations
  • Artist involvements include individual and small group facilitation of techniques such as image transfer, zines, collage and mask making to explore personal and cultural resources, conditioning and beliefs 
  • Private and public art exhibitions
  • Psychotherapist services are integrated into all services and include Somatic wisdom, the intellect of emotion, family dynamics, the nature of conditioning, healing from trauma and generational knowledge

In conversation with two friends recently, both were from two different countries on the other side of the world.  They asked me why in North America, the focus is on the suffering of Indigenous people rather than on their strengths.  The strengths in ancestral law are inclusive, as with any sacred teachings, the life giving principles are for all human beings.  Regardless of services rendered, the heart of service rests in inquiring into the meaning of human behaviour in relationship with self, the Supernatural and others.  In finding meaning, one is better able to make choices that respect self, the other and all life.